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What makes our direct cremation different?

Simple, affordable and straight forward pricing

We let family know the date and time of cremation

We donate to plant a tree in memory of your loved one

Direct Cremation - COL

A funeral without the bells and whistles

A Celebration of Life Direct Cremation (COL) is a simple, low-cost alternative to a traditional funeral where no service is held at the crematorium. Instead we let the family know the date and time of when the cremation will take place, so they can do something special at home.

We then contact the family within 21 days of the cremation date to arrange a suitable time to return the ashes by hand. So the people who matter the most can celebrate the life of their loved one in a positive and more personal way.

Find out about our prepaid plan

Arrange a direct cremation with
Celebration of Life

Arrange a cremation for someone who has passed away

Our fully inclusive direct cremation prepaid plan

Celebration of Life - COL

COL - Celebration of Life

Celebration of Life (COL) provide an industry leading direct cremation service to families across mainland Great Britain. So where does a Celebration of Life come in? Our name was born out of the vision that families no longer need to experience the dark and somber event, otherwise known as the traditional funeral. Instead they can celebrate the life of their loved one in a meaningful and positive way and separate the cremation from the celebration.

We let the family know the date and time of the cremation so they can do something special at home. Then once the ashes are returned, family and friends have the freedom to gather for a unique and personal celebration of life.

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Celebration of Life

Featured Direct Cremation Articles

Celebration of Life

Memorable celebration of life activities for all ages

Celebrating the life of a loved one is a deeply personal and meaningful experience. Celebrating their life is an opportunity to honour their memory and create lasting moments that bring families together. There are many meaningful to commemorate a life in a way that resonates with everyone. Discover them here:

See article
Ashes Biodegradable Scatter Tube

How does Celebration of Life (COL) return the ashes?

After a direct cremation with Celebration of Life (COL), if you would like the ashes to be returned to you by hand, they will arrive in a biodegradable scatter tube shown here unless you supply us with your own choice of urn. You can bury this directly in the ground or use it to scatter the ashes somewhere special.

There are also many other things you can do with the ashes to make the moment a special memory. You could turn some into jewellery or a range of other keepsakes. You could even send them into the sky with a firework, release them off a boat at sea or plant them with a seedling to grow into a tree.

Look At Some Popular Locations

Frequently Asked Questions

What coffin is used for a direct cremation?

Celebration of Life (COL) use simple MDF coffins that use responsibly and sustainably sourced materials to ensure that as little solid wood is used as possible. We do not use cardboard coffins as crematoriums do not like this material being used.

Will I know when the direct cremation takes place?

The Celebration of Life team (COL) will contact you with as much notice as possible to advise you of the date and time the cremation will take place so you can be thinking about it.

What happens if a death occurs at night?

The Celebration of Life urgent care team (COL) are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. To organise an urgent collection, simply give us a call - we're always here to help.

How long does a direct cremation take?

Once the death has been registered, the collection from hospital will then take place within 5 working days (a collection from a private address will take place straight away on the day the death occurs), we will then notify you of the cremation date and time a few days in advance. After the cremation date, we will be in touch within 21 days to arrange the hand return of ashes. If you need the process to be completed quicker, please speak to our team.

Speak to Celebration of Life today

Opening hours:

8am - 6pm, 7 days a week

Urgent care available 24 hours a day

Call us today on

0800 150 3555