What is a direct cremation?

A direct cremation means there is no hearse, pallbearers or ceremony at the crematorium. We collect the deceased from any location within mainland Great Britain and bring them into our care. The cremation takes place at our trusted partner crematorium and we let the family know the date and time of the cremation so they can do something special at home. The ashes are then hand delivered to family or they can be scattered at the crematorium's garden of remembrance. 

Family are then free to gather for a more unique and personal send-off.


Talk to our team

How does our direct cremation work?



We can provide urgent care 24 hours a day. If you prefer, you can call us in advance to provide some basic information, so when the time comes there is less for you to worry about.



We will collect the deceased from anywhere within mainland Great Britain* and take care of them at our mortuary facilities. This includes suitable transport to the crematorium for cremation.



We take care of everything including the removal of artificial devices such as a pacemaker and handling of paperwork. The direct cremation will take place at our trusted partner crematorium and we'll let you know the date and time it will take place.



We contact the family within 21 days of the cremation date to arrange the hand return of the ashes at a suitable time, anywhere in mainland Great Britain*. Alternatively, we can scatter the ashes at the crematorium's garden of remembrance.



You are free to gather the people that matter, at a time that suits everyone, to celebrate the life of your loved one.

Direct Cremation COL Scatter Tube

How are the ashes returned after a direct cremation?

If you choose our direct cremation with the return of ashes, our specialist team will call you to organise a suitable time to deliver the ashes within 21 days of the cremation.

The ashes are contained in a beautiful biodegradable scattering pod that you can use to scatter the ashes in a special location, or you can bury the whole pod directly into the ground.

We don't use a courier or postal service, the team at Celebration of Life will return the ashes to you directly by hand.

Celebration of Life Direct Cremation

Here when you need us

From the moment you call to the hand delivery of ashes, our friendly in-house team are here for you every step of the way.

Speak to our team today

Our business is based on the delivery of first classcustomer service

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How much is our direct cremation for someone who has passed away?


What is included?

  • Help and guidance throughout
  • Collection from a mortuary within mainland Great Britain
  • A simple traditional coffin
  • Care of the deceased at our mortuary facilities
  • Removal of any electronic devices such as a pacemaker
  • An unattended cremation at our partner crematorium

Extras you may need or wish to add

Ashes returned by hand £100

We will contact you within 21 days of the cremation date to arrange the hand return of the ashes, in a beautiful biodegradable scatter pod that can be buried in the ground or used to scatter the ashes somewhere special.

Urgent collection £295

If the collection is from a location such as a personal residence, care home or hospice then we will need to send a team out straight away. We're available 24 hours a day.
COL Direct Cremation Tree Planting

A tree planted in memory

Celebration of Life™ donate to plant a tree with the National Trust 'Plant a Tree Fund' for every service we do. A certificate is provided in memory of your loved one.

Call us today

0800 150 3555


Are you looking to pay in advance, ready for the future?

Paying ahead of time requires a prepaid plan and will cost more than if you needed to arrange a cremation for someone who has recently passed away. 

Our prepaid plan is fully inclusive and once paid, is fixed and guaranteed.

Find out more here

Talk to us about our
direct cremation today

Call our friendly team on

0800 150 3555


To arrange a cremation for someone who has passed away

Lines are open 24 hours a day

General enquiries - opening hours:

8am - 6pm, 7 days a week


 Are you planning ahead for the future?


Find out about our prepaid plan

Frequently asked questions about our direct cremation

What is the difference between a direct cremation and a standard funeral?

Unlike a standard funeral, a direct cremation means there is no hearse, pallbearers or service held with mourners at the crematorium. This gives family the time to plan something unique and personal in their own time, with or without the ashes.

Can I attend the service with a direct cremation?

A direct cremation is an unattended, so there is no service at the crematorium. However, we do let the family know the date and time of the cremation so they can do something special at home.

How much is a direct cremation?

Our direct cremation which includes collection, care at our mortuary and the cremation costs is £1,195. Extras include; £100 for the return of ashes and £295 for an urgent collection (which is needed if someone dies at home).

Can I pay in advance for a direct cremation?

Yes, we offer a fully inclusive prepaid direct cremation plan. Once you have paid for a plan, the cost is fixed and guaranteed no matter how far in the future you need us. Visit our Pre-Paid Plan Page to find out more.

For information on what to do when someone dies, take a look at our step by step guide.

Celebration of Lifeis Great Britain’s only cremation brand offering direct cremation both as a prepaid plan or at the time of need, and nothing else.

We focus exclusively on providing the very best and personalcustomer service, right when you need it most.

Speak to our team today

Call us free on

0800 150 3555